lunes, 8 de octubre de 2007

Castle of Tiedra, Valladolid (Castilla León). Castillo de Tiedra (Spain)

The Castle of Tiedra in Valladolid (Spain), appears by first in the embassy of the Cid before Doña Urraca in whom Sancho II of Castile along with offers other possessions in exchange for the city of Zamora.

Tiedra belonged to the kingdom of Leon and was border with the kingdom of Castilla in the XII.

The castle of Tiedra comprises of the historical line of defense of the Torozos mounts. Its construction dates between centuries XII and XIII, giving an idea us of the simple thing that they were these primitive defensive constructions, because as still we see there it dealed with one massive tower surrounded and encastillada within a defensive enclosure. This castle of Tiedra is formed by a square tower protected by close. The tower is of ashlar masonry, consists of several vaulted floors and has three ajimezados hollows of little width. They conserve matacanes on which the nonexistent battlements would go. As far as close it is necessary to say that it has little height, it forms exagonal and is constructed in sillarejo. This old castle was possession of the linajudas families terracampinas of the Meneses and the Girón.

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